Kungsleden Stage 4: Tjäktja – Sälka 12km
Rose early today. It was beautiful, clear blue weather and our camp was a very nice spot. Quickly made some tea on the burner and then brushed teeth in a nearby mountain stream. Filled the thermo cannisters with cold water, dismantled the tent and packed. Today a relatively short (13km) but quite tough journey ahead over the 1151m high Tjäktja pass to the Sälka huts.
Detailed map of stage 4 (our route is penciled in):
Lots of snow on the way and ice fields along rivers, making it difficult to cross. At one river crossing near the summit, The Wandelgek fell through the ice which covered the embankments, but also part of the little river. The water is freezing and he fell in until The water was just below waist hight. These rivers are tiny so he waded through and crawled out on the other side. On top of the pass was a cabin and his clothes mainly trousers, socks and shoes could dry in the sun. Luckily his backpackpack was quite water proof. From the summit, the view over the valley with the Sälka huts was dazzlingly beautiful …
Then the descend followed through fairly deep snow to the valley and the river, where the Sälka huts were.
We could replenish our stock again. Buying a loaf of bread in such a hut was not really cheap: 7 guilders, but everything that is for sale here is delivered by helicopter. We set op camp near the Sälka huts …