Category Archives: Rusland
Trans Siberia Express Map
The map beneath shows a small part of my 1997 travels around the Baltik sea, visiting Helsinki, Saint Petersburg and Tallinn and my 2019 travels with the Trans Siberia Express and the Trans Mongolia Express from Moscow to Beijing. The green star symbols represent specific travel locations or travel sections that The Wandelgek visited or travelled.
Moscow’s splendorous Metro/Subway network
The Great Railway Journey (TransSib)
Sint Petersburg
Toen De Wandelgek in 1997 via Helsinki per spoor naar Sint Petersburg vertrok had hij in Nederland al flink wat zaken voor dit verblijf voorbereid. Zo had hij dit deel via studentenreisbureau NBBS en de organisatie Homestay geboekt. Dit maakte … Continue reading →
Map of Baltic Sea and Scandinavia
— — — In the summer of 1993 The Wandelgek travelled through Sweden and Norway.
— — — In the summer of 1997 The Wandelgek travelled around the Baltic Sea through Sweden, Finland, Russia & Estonia.
— — — In the winter of 1999 The Wandelgek stayed a couple of days in Denmark (Copenhagen) and in the summer of 2017 he spent half a day in Copenhagen.